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It's Not Them. It's YOU! ~ What?!

Writer's picture: Get In!Get In!

No really, it is!

And now, this is how I came to this conclusion....

A long, long time ago, I remember an instance that occurred between a professor and myself. It was back in 1989 and I was pretty much finished with the first small college I was attending and wanted to branch out and explore more options so I could expand my horizons as a violinist. I had discovered the University of Cincinnati and in particular the College Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati.

At the time I was fortunate to even attend a university, let alone think that I could expand my horizons and create a new reality for myself! I wasn't sure I should push my luck. I was so used to hanging onto “advice” from other people because I doubted my own ideas so much.

So, I did something that I regret to this day. I was at a lesson with my violin teacher at this small university and I asked him a really dumb question. I asked, “I am thinking of auditioning for CCM at the University of Cincinnati. What do you think?”


He asked. “Why do you want to go somewhere else?”

I wasn’t sure what to say so I blurted out, “I just want to see if I can be accepted into the school.” I was still so unsure of myself. I couldn’t even say that I wanted to go there.

He retorted. “You’ll never make it.”

And, that was the end of that.

"You'll never make it." That mean comment stung and stuck with me for a long while. I still did go to the University of Cincinnati but it took me another year to get the courage. And when I finally got there I realized something that changed my life.

I was good enough to get in.

I was good enough to get in when I was in his studio at my lesson that day and he knew it. But, unfortunately, I didn’t.

Although, that violin teacher was never going to tell me that. I was his best student at this small university and he needed me. Yes, HE needed ME. WAY more than I needed him.

So, the lesson was learned and I moved on. I still went to the University of Cincinnati and became a violinist and I am so happy that I just let this guy slow me down instead of stopping me altogether.

In fact, since then, it has motivated me. I do all of my own research now. I do all of my own thinking and although I do ask for advice from people I respect, I make my own decisions through and through.

And because of this past event, I have started my own college prep program for young college hopefuls. I stand behind my clients and I understand when they tell me that they are insecure. I know what that feels like and I know what happens when we let fear and insecurity run the show.

It is what sets “Get In!” apart from other college audition prep programs.

As the owner and founder of Get In!, I do the extra work. I know how you feel and I know how to get past those feelings and road blocks. I have done it. I have walked that walk.

I do the research to look deep into the college admission process, audition process and even the psychology behind our decisions as human beings.

Always remember that first and foremost, a university is a business.

I think we can all agree with that.

But, unlike the rest of the corporate world ~ a world where a company’s greatness is shown through its earnings or stock prices ~ a University’s standard is much different.

Author and Canadian Journalist, Malcolm Gladwell wrote an article in the New Yorker in 2005 in which he stated that higher education prestige is shown and measured by its students.

That would be you.

The quality of the students creates the prestige of the College, Conservatory or University

not the other way around.

Remember that!

This is about YOU.

Just like that day in my violin teacher’s studio when I innocently asked him if I could get into the University of Cincinnati. The answer he gave (you’ll never make it) was about me and keeping me at a school that I was outgrowing because he and the school needed good violinists in their program.

Looking back it was reprehensible that a teacher did that to one of his students but it is the reality. He held me back for his own selfish needs. I am certain of that.

And, that is why Get In! Will make a huge difference for you. It is your one stop shop as far as organization, support, audition and college interview preparation is concerned. I stand by you no matter what!

Unlike most, if not all college audition prep courses, we band together as a unit. We are a group of life learners and creators, a group of comrades and people who know better than the current trends, the current manipulation created by advertising and the current dialogue spoken by some peers and parents.

Get out of the train of thought that is holding you back and putting your money into the pockets of the wrong universities and do a deep dive with me at my free Online Masterclass

~ The Seven Secrets to College Admission ~

June 23rd, 24th and 25th 5-6pm (PDT)

Parents must be there! I am a parent also and I know for a fact:

This is about YOU too!

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